Itchy Horse.jpg


I have always drawn animals. Since ever I could hold a pencil, I would draw. Growing up, the refrigerator gallery always showcased an ever-changing series of cartoons featuring the family pets. When I later discovered horses and riding, the equine image become a predominant subject in my drawings as well. The natural world had a profound influence on me and I strived to accurately imitate it. With a childhood full of constant drawing and school art projects, it naturally led me to study art in college. I attended the University of Connecticut School of Fine Art where I concentrated in illustration and design. College offered a range of schooling in both traditional art and computer graphics. I became proficient in Adobe Creative Suite, although traditional drawing, illustration and watercolor painting were -and still remain, my true love and specialties.

After college I worked briefly for an artist rep, followed by working as a designer at a couple companies. In those roles, I created marketing and promotional materials, as well as product mock-ups. I’ve always done freelance work on the side, creating pet portraits, illustrations, or marketing materials for small businesses. I’m currently available for work in illustration, and animal portraiture.

Feel free to take a look at my galleries and if you have any inquiries, please contact me at: